Program for management accounting of finance with reference to projects and items of income and expenses.
Features of the program
- Single-user version – with a local database;
- Network multi-user – with a database in the local network;
- Network multi-user – with a database in the cloud, data center;
- The number of databases and users is not limited;
- Setting up user access rights;
- The local database is transferred by normal file copying;
- Checking the program version and automatic update.
Features of the accounting
- Maintaining several organizations in one database;
- Chart of accounts GAAP, balance sheet;
- Accounting for money in bank accounts;
- Cash accounting at cash desks;
- Settlements with buyers and suppliers;
- Settlements with advance holders (employees);
- Accounting for mutual settlements linked to contracts;
- Budgeting and planning;
- Reporting income and expenses;
- Registration of official correspondence and commercial offers.